God’s Eternal Purpose

The Story of Salvation is about God's provision in Jesus Christ to save humanity from the consequences of Adam's fall and the power of sin and death. It is about God restoring man's relationship with Himself. God chose for Himself a people in Christ, like Israel of old, was chosen. These people became His family, with Jesus as the oldest Son.

Salvation did not happen by chance: it is within God's eternal purpose, intention and grace. It is also not something that a believer earns by his own merit. The book of Ephesians hints at this truth, and God's eternal purpose unfolds in a person, Jesus Christ.

Paul declared that God blessed believers "with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places" (Eph. 1:3 – ESV). These blessings belong to the spiritual world, are timeless and supra-material, and are given to all who are "in Christ."

The phrase "in Christ" emphasises believers' close relation with Christ after God placed them in Him (1 Cor. 1:30). Paul explains: "You were all baptised into Christ, and so you were all clothed with Christ. This shows that you are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus. Now, in Christ, it doesn't matter if you are a Jew or a Greek, a slave or free, male or female. You are all the same in Christ Jesus" (Gal. 3:26-28 – ERV).

Christ and the believer are spiritually one, like a human has a head and a body. Paul describes Christ as the head (Eph. 1:22; 5:23) and the church (all believers) as Christ's body, which is filled with Himself (Eph. 1:22-23).

The body consists of the arms, hands, legs, feet, etc. "A person has only one body, but it has many parts…. Christ is like that too(1 Cor. 12:12 – ERV). "We are many people, but in Christ, we are all one body. We are the parts of that body, and each part belongs to all the others" (Rom. 12:4-5 – ERV). 

One way God blesses believers is "In Christ, he chose [them] for Himself before the world was made" (Eph. 1:4 – ERV).

This verse is of great importance. It says that in the past before time existed and God created the world, He decided to choose all who are "in Christ" to belong to Him. 

This concept of God choosing His people is seen in the Old Testament. Israel's "election" (from the Greek verb meaning "to choose") was God's decision and action. He takes the initiative in choosing Israel to be His own people (Deut. 7:6-8).

Believers, who become one with Christ, belong to God. It means they must be separated from those who do not belong to God, be dedicated to Him, and live in a manner that pleases Him (Eph. 1:4). 

From eternity past, God had in mind that believers should be His family, with Christ being His oldest Son. "Before the world was made, God made [believers] his children through Jesus Christ. God wanted this, and it pleased him to do it (Eph. 1:5 – ERV). The people in Christ, loving God "are the people God chose because that was his plan. God knew them before he made the world. And he decided that they would be like his Son. Then Jesus would be the firstborn of many brothers and sisters. God planned for them to be like his Son. He chose them and made them right with him. And after he made them right, he gave them his glory" (Rom. 8:28-30 – ERV).

God also predetermined that Jesus should be crucified and resurrected from the dead, proving that those who die in Christ will be resurrected (Acts 4:23-31). God chose beforehand that the message of Christ's death on the cross would be the means by which people are brought to salvation (1 Cor. 2).

In conclusion: God's eternal purpose is Salvation through Christ for all who believe. The message of Christ's death, burial and resurrection would be the means by which people will come to faith in Christ. Those "in Christ" will be God's children in the likeness of the Oldest Son. They also have the hope of being resurrected, just like Christ, and living forever with God as His chosen people.

We must understand why man needs salvation: man is a sinner from birth. 


English Standard Version (ESV); Easy to Read Version (ERV).

Newman, B.M, Nida, EA, A Translator's Handbook on Paul's Letter to the Romans (United Bible Societies, London, New York, Stuttgart, 1973).

Bratcher, PG, Nida, EA, A Translator's Handbook on Paul's Letter to the Ephesians (United Bible Societies, London, New York, Stuttgart, 1982).