
DESIRING GOD - Most people in the world have no experience of lasting joy in their lives. We’re on a mission to change that. All of our resources exist to guide you toward everlasting joy in Jesus Christ.
DLM CHRISTIAN LIFESTYLE - Daniel Maritz discusses life’s thought-provoking topics to encourage and strengthen you on your path to personal growth with God. His goal is to help you become all God has intended for you to be while also having and enjoying life fully. The channel is focused on 3 main areas: *TESTIMONIES *COUNSELING *TEACHING
WRETCHED TV & RADIO - Hosted by Todd Friel. On the show you will see and hear live witnessing encounters and discussions of tough theological issues and various topics in the Christian community. You might even have a laugh.
FIGHT FOR TRUTH - Colin created the Fight For Truth channel to serve Christians by providing a new body of work and research. The goal is to help people move away from falsehood and into truth that accords with God's Word.
E-KERK - Ekerk is eerstens nie 'n eie kerk nie. Ekerk vervang ook nie jou plaaslike gemeente nie. Ekerk is bloot net nog 'n manier om kerk te wees in die wêreld. Deur middel van Christelike groei materiaal, en lewendige byeenkomste, vorm alle ekerk'ers deel van 'n gemeenskap van Christelike gelowiges regoor die wêreld. Enigiemand is welkom as deel van die ekerk familie. Hier is jy deel van ons ekerk familie en kry jy al ons leermateriaal in videoformaat.
ANSWERS WITH BAYLESS CONLEY - Bayless Conley is a pastor, author, and Bible teacher known for his clear presentation of the gospel and the way he applies the life-changing truth of God’s Word to everyday life. Each week his broadcast, Answers with Bayless Conley, is impacting lives around the world in many languages on TV and online. The answers he shares are the ones he found years ago when trying to find fulfillment in his own life. After chasing everything imaginable, he discovered true, lasting hope exists only in a relationship with Jesus.
DAILY DISCIPLE - Helping You Follow Jesus Daily. Apologetics, Christian Living, Cultural Engagement, and Honest Conversations about Christ. Isaac David's prayer is that you would move that much closer in relationship to Jesus.
Dr. SEAN MCDOWELL - is a professor at Biola University. On this channel he tackles some of the biggest questions about God, morality, and contemporary culture. Visit for more posts and info.
REFORMED WIKI2.0 - makes videos that teach and present ideas from a biblical Christian worldview. Subscribe to support this channel and help reach millions with the true gospel of Jesus Christ!
HUNGRY GENERATION - Their vision is to bring Salvation to this Generation.
VLAD SAVCHUK - Pastor at HungryGen Church bringing the full Gospel to the world. Here you can find clips on deliverance, spiritual warfare, relationship with the Holy Spirit, conquering sin, and living a life of freedom and dominion in Jesus' name.
DEREK PRINCE - Through their radio program, books, audio and video it's our honour to carry on the work that Derek Prince began so well and loved so much. Derek Prince Ministries continues reaching the unreached and teaching the untaught.
THE GRACE MESSAGE - Jesus plus nothing. 100% natural. No additives. This is the official YouTube channel for The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley, a nonprofit organization seeking to share the truth about God’s forgiveness, living under grace, our new identity in Christ, and what new life in Jesus really means. Through this ministry, Dr. Andrew Farley offers practical, Scriptural insights that will challenge the way you look at God and yourself.
JUSTIN KHOE - (pronounced “ku”) is a professional Youtuber, podcaster and church consultant creating content for the spiritually curious. Justin has partnered with numerous organizations including Allmade, A Better World Canada, Faithlife, and hundreds of churches, colleges, and conferences around the world. By bringing people from opposing ideologies, religions, and politics, Justin works towards a world where each person has a more established set of beliefs because they have been challenged and explored.
GRACE FOR PURPOSE are there to motivate, inspire and most importantly educate in all things related to the kingdom of God. To do this they have a big roster of speakers from all over the world and they work to bring you original content by bringing sermons to life. Their vision is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ by not just having a voice over alone but a visual element to it.
ABOVE INSPIRATION's focus is to inspire, motivate and encourage believers in their walk with God.
OFF THE KIRB MINISTRIES shares Christian motivational videos, street preaching content, encouragement in God's grace and more to help you grow as a believer through the power of Holy Spirit as you serve Jesus. If you're a Christian, street preacher or follower of Jesus who needs encouragement in your faith; these videos will hopefully be a blessing in your Christian lifestyle. So please consider subscribing! Joe work full-time as an Evangelist based in Lancashire, England. His evangelistic outreach consists of open air preaching, church outreach events, pulpit preaching, youth ministry and of Christian YouTube videos! To stay updated with his street preaching and other UK street preacher friends, check out their “Street Preaching Channel”
I'll BE HONEST is a media ministry that is part of Grace Community Church of San Antonio, TX. They are seeking to publish Biblical Christian Videos on the Gospel of Jesus Christ.