Part 3

Step 2 – Reappraise

In this step the aim is to appraise or assess the thoughts and feelings/urges again or in a different way.

Here the question is: Why do these thoughts and feelings/urges keep bothering me?

Your answer is: it keeps on bothering me because my sinful nature is rendered powerless, but not eradicated. Satan tries to entice me back into slavery to sin again. Satan is a liar and deceiver – he wants me to believe that I am not a new creation in Christ.

Romans 6:6 – "We know that our old life was put to death on the cross with Christ. This happened so that our sinful selves would have no power over us. Then we would not be slaves to sin" (ERV).

Do not let the devil lie to you and condemn you – you are no longer the person living according to the old sinful nature, you are a new creation in Christ. You must move on to thoughts and behaviours that glorify God. In fact, you need to live as the new person you are despite your thoughts, feelings & or urges. 

The key to this exercise: "These thoughts or feelings/urges are not mine (the new creation in Christ), but the devil aiming to engage the old sinful nature."

Thoughts and feelings/urges caused by temptation lack meaning while you are united to Christ. The goal is learning to trace unwanted thoughts and feelings/urges to its source. Identifying its actual cause is the first step towards developing insight – these symptoms are not what they seem to be. Do not take them at face value.

Do not criticize yourself because of temptation. Realise that these thoughts and feelings/urges are there despite of you, not because of you.

Galatians 5:17 gets straight to the point:  "The desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do" (ESV).

Each principle tries to prevent man doing what the other principle wishes him to do. (These are two opposing principles) We are dealing with a conflict of two powers. If man wills to do that which is right, the old nature opposes; if to do evil, the Spirit opposes.

While you remain identified with Christ and while you obey God, the tendency to sin, though present, has no power over you. In Christ, the tendency to sin is counteracted.

By means of illustration, when a light is introduced into a dark room, darkness instantly disappears. However, the tendency towards darkness remains – the room can only be maintained in a condition of illumination by the continual counteraction of that tendency. Romans 8:2 states that "the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death" (ESV).

The Recognise and Reappraise steps are usually performed simultaneously bringing about a deeper understanding of what exactly happens when temptation strikes.


Yet it is not enough to only have understanding. Refocusing is where the real work is done, and will be discussed next week.



Easy to Read Version (ERV); English Standard Version (ESV).

Arichea, DC, Nida, EA, A Translators Handbook on Paul's Letter to the Galatians, (United Bible Societies, London, New York, Stuttgart, 1983).

Schwartz, JM, Beyette, B, Brain Lock: Free yourself from Obsessive-Compulsive Behaviour, (Harper Collins Publishers, Inc: New York, USA, 1996).

Schwartz, JM, Begley, S, The Mind &The Brain: Neuroplasticity and the Power of Mental Force, (Harper Collins Publishers, Inc: New Yourk, USA, 2002).

Schwartz, JM, Gladding, R, You are not Your Brain" The 4-Step solution for Changing Bad Habits, Ending Unhealthy Thinking, and Taking Control of Your Life, (Penguin Books Ltd: London, England, 2011).