

Over the last four weeks we discussed temptation and a three step exercise to help you to deal with temptation in a practical way and remain victorious. These three steps are:


First: recognise tempting thoughts and feelings/urges when they arise. Train yourself to identify what's real and what isn't. Refuse to be misled by intrusive destructive thoughts and feelings/urges.


Second: reappraise them, understanding their origin and intent. Understand that those thoughts and feelings/urges are merely mental noise, false signals instigated by evil powers to attract the attention of your sinful nature and to persuade you to act on them.


Third: replace them with wholesome thoughts and behaviours. Respond to temptations in a new and much more constructive way. Work around it by refocusing your attention on righteous thoughts and behaviours.


The result goes far beyond overcoming temptations: By taking charge of your actions, you take charge of your mindand of your life!